Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Today, I learned things I already thought I knew. I saw it with my heart with a different kind of compassion. With the perception of the others point of view. It was as if I was inside of them feeling all that they felt and the clarity came silently but opened my heart in ways I never thought possible. I am grateful

Friday, November 26, 2010


Are you a Believer or Skeptic?

Do you walk in Faith or Fear?

Love is the ultimate freer... its natural state euphoria that last for snip its. like a drug addict chasing that first high. When you feel it you become invincible nothing can touch you. That is the true essence of Love. When it becomes tainted by expectation, doubt and fear ugliness sets in and fades into something unrecognizable. When you walk with hurt you attract hurt until you allow yourself to break free from your own shackles.

Are you a risk taker? Risk isn't about just jumping from a plane, its risking your heart even when your afraid. Its living your truth regardless of what anyone thinks.

How free are you?

If you could watch your life on the big screen right now, how much of it would you edit? How much regret do you live with? If you say I would change anything...why not put the past behind you and start really living from your heart. If you make that choice... Then editing becomes obsolete and life becomes the present instead of the past being your shadow...

Monday, September 27, 2010


The universe is swirling it spins like a tornado. I scream into the darkness into the black whole, I can see my thoughts, my pain, my desire, my heart being carried thru the veil to the secret places of other worlds. I can see the galaxy listening, wondering, encouraging. Invisible ears perked up. Who is this woman that screams, who journeys across time and space far beyond her world. Who knows we exist!! Who dares to speak in such a tone to scare even the restless particles that swim thru the air! Who stirs awake the beast that lives quietly until now? To Awaken those who are most sleepiest among us? To stir to life the minds of those most destitute? Who shakes the consciousness of time? Who is this goddess warrior fearless and destined to bring war upon us? Her voice is a song a lullaby it cries to reach out to help and restore balance in this world for all of us. How can you ignore such a force?

Friday, June 25, 2010

I Love This by Paulo Cohelo

A Warrior of Light knows that certain moments repeat themselves.
He often finds himself faced with the same problems and situations, and seeing these difficult situations return, he grows depressed, thinking that he is incapable of making any progress in life.

"I've been through all this before." He says to his heart

"Yes, you have been through all this before." replies his heart But you have never been beyond it!

Then the Warrior of Light realises that these repeated experiences have but one aim: To teach him what he does not want to learn...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Does Love have a color? I was not sure. I did not know love to be prejudice
Does Love have a favorite Gender? Woman or Man? I did not know love has favorites...
Love unto itself the blissful feeling we feel when we first fall in love a state of which we long to recapture over and over again. Never realizing it is always there perhaps dormant thru our fears, our obligations... forgetting to release the attachments we put on love that makes it tainted and unlovable.

Call back my Heart

I call back my Heart from where ever I left it. I call it back from years past from the places and people I left a piece of it with.
I call back my Heart so I can love again Wholely.