Monday, September 27, 2010


The universe is swirling it spins like a tornado. I scream into the darkness into the black whole, I can see my thoughts, my pain, my desire, my heart being carried thru the veil to the secret places of other worlds. I can see the galaxy listening, wondering, encouraging. Invisible ears perked up. Who is this woman that screams, who journeys across time and space far beyond her world. Who knows we exist!! Who dares to speak in such a tone to scare even the restless particles that swim thru the air! Who stirs awake the beast that lives quietly until now? To Awaken those who are most sleepiest among us? To stir to life the minds of those most destitute? Who shakes the consciousness of time? Who is this goddess warrior fearless and destined to bring war upon us? Her voice is a song a lullaby it cries to reach out to help and restore balance in this world for all of us. How can you ignore such a force?

1 comment:

  1. Ah good flow of Consciousness you are giving with There Minka! Glad to see you are keeping it real. Awesome! Keep it flowing!
